Wednesday, February 20, 2008

ODEAB Implements New Strategy for Monitoring Industry

At its meeting today, the ODEAB discussed and enacted a new strategy to monitor and act on the environmental compliance of nearby industries. Each board member will be responsible for monitoring the status of air and water permits, enforcement actions, and the toxic release inventory (TRI) data submitted by each entity. All of this data can be found on-line at various sources.

  • Bob Cattani agreed to continue monitoring the enforcement actions and permits at AMROX, which he has been doing this past year.
  • Mark Coleman will monitor the enforcement actions and permits at Precoat Metals. He also will report monthly on ozone readings captured at the ozone monitor located at the Water Company.
  • Susan MiHalo will monitor the permits and enforcement actions at the USS Midwest Plant as well as Indiana American Water.
  • Jim Petsas agreed to monitor and report on the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) archive of Combined Sewer Overflows and Sanitary System Overflows. Data from that archive can then be correlated to any beach closings or advisories.
Reports will be provided at each ODEAB meeting; and it's possible that there will be no reports on an of these entities, depending on their compliance. Information will be collected on forms and tracked for long-term purposes, i.e., such as commenting on pending water or air permits for those entities.

The Board also discussed the status of the CLEAN (Comprehensive Local Environmental Action Network) Program with respect to getting area businesses, such as the gas station or realtors, involved in CLEAN. Mark Coleman agreed to talk with the gas station about providing a pop can/water bottle recycling receptacle; and we will approach the realtors about making sure new residents receive information on our recycling program as well as the "Every Drop Counts" citizens guide on protecting water quality.

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