Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Herbiciding Contract Approved for Marsh

Last night the Town Council approved, pending approval from the Lake Michigan Coastal Program, a contract with Aquatic Weed Technology to herbicide the invasive species on Long Lake Marsh, including cattails and Phragmites.

Control of the invasives will most likely occur some time between July and September of 2008. The herbicide to be used, called Glyphosate, adheres to the leaves and travels down the roots to destroy the plant and root system. Destroying the root system is important because that is the primary way these kinds of plants spread. That is why simply cutting down invasive plants will not work.

Glysophate is specially formatted for aquatic systems and its effects dissapate within several hours of application. This is the product that was used to successfuly control Phragmites on Pollywog Pond.

Afterwards I was asked by someone whether or not we can get started earlier so that people can take their kayaks onto Long Lake. While I have a desire to kayak there as well, timing is crucial for herbiciding and it should be completed when the plants are storing starch in their root systems.

We will try to give neighbors advance notice of the herbiciding so that they can keep their pets out of the marsh for a few days. In addition, signage will be posted before and afterwards warning of any hazards.

It's important to note too, for those of you who love the cattails, that we will probably never be able to eradicate all of them.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Thank you so much for your passion for the Dunes. You are a tremendous help for our land and its resources.