Monday, October 26, 2009

Series of Meetings on Environmental Issues Hosted by OD Church

The public is invited to a series of meetings hosted by the Ogden Dunes Community Church on stewarding planet earth. The “Community Leadership Dialogue Series: Creation Care and Climate Stewardship, Doing Your Part” is being organized by Allison Hannon, daughter of long-time residents Laura and John Hannon, who is Midwest Regional Manager of The Climate Group. The series of meetings will all be held at Ogden Dunes Community Church from 6:00-7:30 p.m.

Allison will speak at the first series get-together on Wednesday, October 28. The subject will be understanding climate change and environmental stewardship, and ways you can make a difference.

Ogden Dunes resident and State Senator Karen Tallian, as well as John Hannon, P.E., will be the featured speakers at the second meeting on Wednesday, November 4. They will provide a briefing on local, state and federal environmental policies with a special focus on water issues.

The final workshop, to be held Wednesday, November 18, will focus on ways you can reduce waste through recycling and composting at your home and/or office. The featured speaker will be Deanne Greenwood, Education Coordinator, Recycling and Waste Reduction District of Porter County.

If you are interested in attending, please send an email to or by calling 762-6067. The series is free of charge.

The goal of the non-profit Climate Group, based in the United Kingdom, is to help government and business set the world economy on the path to a low-carbon, prosperous future. To reach that goal, they have created a coalition of governments and the world’s most influential businesses – all committed to tackling climate change. Through this coalition, they are helping to set the targets, create the policies, build the confidence, and generate the political willpower needed to make the changes the world requires by 2050.

1 comment:

Tom Bailey said...

These are very interesting issues and would be interesting to attend. Read my blog and see what your thoughts are on my entry on enviromental issues.