Thursday, September 10, 2009

Residents Plagued with Bad Air Lately

Numerous complaints are being logged by O.D. residents this past few days about the bad air that is invading from industries east of Town. In particular, some residents have experienced a severe burning electrical smell that was so bad it woke at least one resident up at 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 9.

In response, several members of the ODEAB are taking some steps to identify and try to alleviate the problem. A call was made September 9 to Hala Kuss, director of the Northwest Indiana Office of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) to complain about the situation. Fortunately, because several residents were already diligently making contact with IDEM about the problem, she was already aware of the problem and is sending her inspectors out to find out which industry is causing the electrical burning smell and whether or not any of them have changed their processes recently.

Calls have also been made to U.S. Steel Midwest to see if they can help identify the problem; and to Precoat Metals to let them know about the issue.

Lodging complaints with IDEM is imperative in these situations. This may be accomplished either on-line by visiting or by calling the Complaint Coordinator at (800) 451-6027 ext.24464. Spills and environmental emergencies should be immediately reported to IDEM at (888) 233-7745.

When filing a complaint, please provide as much detail as possible about the location of the complaint, when the activity occurred, and what happened. Wind direction information is also helpful to IDEM. The information submitted may be considered public record and subject to disclosure by IDEM. It may also be submitted anonymously.
For more information on the IDEM Complaints Clearinghouse Program, visit

Let us know below in the Comment area what you have been experiencing...


S Mihalo said...
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Carolyn Saxton said...

PreCoat is at it again. Both last night and the night before they have been emitting the polluting smells that permeate through our homes. Although the night before last was the worst, last night was bad as well. Then we had the extreme noise yesterday evening that sounded like every engine was on full force. I cannot imagine what the people at the end of Shore Drive near Portage Beach had to endure. It was really deafening. I have written Viscloskey. But this situation is terrible. It is as if the company decided to show their strength in fighting us when we complained about the horrible smells the night before last. And, they are thumbing their nose at us! I have awakened sick with headaches both mornings!