Monday, July 13, 2009

ODEAB Meeting to Focus on Beach Garbage

The July 14 meeting of the Ogden Dunes Environmental Advisory Board will primarily focus on the status of the beach this summer -- more specifically beach trash. The meeting will be held at 8:30 a.m. at the Town Hall.

A number of residents are noticing more and more trash on the beach, which is either originating on the beach or washing up from Lake Michigan. The Street Department has worked on cleaning the beach several times this summer, only to have more trash appear soon after.

There has been some speculation that perhaps the increased trash is simply more aftermath from the September 2008 storm that washed marinas, boats and trash down the 331-square-mile watershed that feeds into the waterway.

The agenda will feature not only how the town can track garbage using the Alliance for the Great Lake's "Adopt-a-Beach" program (, but also other ways town residents can advocate for a cleaner Lake Michigan and cleaner waterways, i.e., by participating in watershed planning and implementation efforts in the area. Methods for keeping the beach clean and educating residents about cleaning up after themselves will also be discussed.

All residents are invited to attend.

1 comment:

Carolyn Saxton said...

This Sunday, we noticed that a lot of the garbage in the water was remnants from the fireworks. When we were there last weekend the beach was a mess with fireworks debris. If people are going to put off fireworks they need to clean up after themselves.