Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Participate in Earth Hour 2009 on March 28!

The ODEAB announced at the March Town Council meeting that it is officially supporting Earth Hour 2009, a global climate event led by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). More than 240 cities around the world have already committed to go dark for one hour on March 28, 2009 at 8:30 p.m., as tens of millions of people from all corners of the world unite in a call for global action on climate change.

From Amman to Warsaw, city and town skylines will go dark for one hour as individuals, businesses, government buildings, schools and major landmarks turn off non-essential lighting in what will be the largest climate event in history. (Don’t worry: the streetlights will remain on!)

“World Wildlife Fund is pleased that Ogden Dunes is taking part in Earth Hour 2009. As lights go out in cities around the U.S. and the world on March 28th, Earth Hour will provide world leaders with an unmistakable mandate to take action,” said WWF President and CEO Carter Roberts. “The climate crisis threatens the ability of our planet to support its inhabitants. We want the world to know that Americans care about saving the planet and stand united in seeking to find solutions to climate change.”

During Earth Hour 2008, more than 50 million people in 400 cities on all seven continents turned off their lights as major icons also went dark, including the Sydney Opera House, the Coliseum in Rome, Stockholm’s Royal Castle, the Empire State Building and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Google turned its homepage black for an entire day in tribute.

We look forward to your participation. Please comment below if you plan to participate, and visit for more information. Don’t forget to urge your friends and family to participate through email and on Facebook too!

1 comment:

S Mihalo said...

We had a lot of fun participating last year and hope you will this year.