Thursday, December 4, 2008

ODEAB Publishes Recycling Guide

In response to residents' ongoing questions regarding recycling in Ogden Dunes, the Ogden Dunes Environmental Advisory Board (ODEAB) recently published A Guide to Recycling Ogden Dunes. A .pdf of the document may be found on .
A special feature is hypertext linking that allows you to jump to the question you want answered.

The Guide was developed through a phone interview with Jim Smith at Able Disposal, and by researching recycling information available from the Recycling and Waste Reduction District of Porter County.

One objective of the document is to increase how much solid waste in Ogden Dunes is prevented from entering a landfill. Currently, the town's diversion rate is 25 percent, which is strong for the area, but short of the nationwide average of 32 percent.

According to resident Randi Light, 75% of our trash can be recycled. Randi should know -- she used to work for the City of San Francisco in recycling education. "The benefits of recycling go well beyond waste reduction," said Randi in a recycling fun facts document provided to the ODEAB. "For instance, recycling all of your home's waste newsprint, cardboard, glass, and metal can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 850 pounds a year. Recycling one ton of paper saves the equivalent of 17 trees, enough energy to power an average home for 6 months, and 7,000 gallons of water; and keeps 60 pounds of pollutants out of the air," she said.

Take a look at the Guide and let the ODEAB know if you have any additional comments or questions. A few printed copies will be placed in the Town Hall. Recycling markets can change periodically, opening up new possibilities for increasing recycling output. Be sure to check the document periodically for new information.

1 comment:

S Mihalo said...

Please note a correction that will be made. The Recycling and Waste Reduction District of Porter County collection site on SR 130 apparently does not accept household hazardous waste. They only accept computers, batteries, CFL's, and electronics. We apologize for yhe error.