Friday, November 14, 2008

November 15: America Recycles Day

Saturday, November 15 has been declared "America Recycles Day" by the National Recycling Coalition (NRC). Start by visiting the America Recycles website.

From there you can take a recycling pledge and figure out how you can make an impact by tinkering with the Conversionator gadget on the website. For example, if you drag a glass jar into the Conversionator, you'll find not only what can be produced from recycled glass, but also energy savings you might achieve. Let's say you recycle 15 glass jars a week. According to the Conversionator, that saves enough energy to power a conventional light bulb for 60 hours or a compact fluorescent light bulb for 300 hours! For all the fun visit

The site also contains helpful information on why it's important to recycle, as well as interesting end products that are being produced through recycling efforts.

According to the NRC, recycling is one of the most successful environmental initiatives in our country's history. While there's still much to do, efforts of the past few decades are really paying off. Around half of all the people in the United States are now served by curbside collection programs. These programs, along with drop-off and buy-back centers, now help us divert about 33% of the nation's solid waste stream away from landfills.

Here in Ogden Dunes, we divert approximately 25% of our solid waste from landfills by recycling, so we know we can be doing better. To help you accomplish this, the Ogden Dunes Environmental Advisory Board is working on a FAQ sheet to show specifically what can and cannot be recycled in our town.

America Recycles Day (ARD), November 15, is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and to buy recycled products. Celebrating its 11th year, it has grown to include millions of Americans pledging to increase their recycling habits at home and work and to buy products made with recycled materials.

By the way, former Ogden Dunes resident Carey Hamilton is now the Executive Director of the Indiana Recycling Coalition in Indianapolis. Way to go Carey!

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