Saturday, November 24, 2007

Grant Match

Good news! We have been given permission from the Lake Michigan Coastal Program to utilize our "Every Drop Counts" brochure design, printing and mailing as match on the Lake Michigan Coastal Program Grant for Long Lake Marsh! That brings us $3,099.11 closer to meeting our match of $15,700. To date we have matched $6,599.11 of our grant; and we will have more match as soon as the Ogden Dunes Volunteer Fire Department burns the marsh. That's because we will be able to count the firefighters' time as match AND, more importantly, we can use the value of their equipment as in-kind match. So far, no tax dollars have been spent on this restoration project!

By the way, the "Every Drop Counts" brochure was made possible with a grant from the Indiana American Water Company. Thanks!

Also, before we forget...thanks to the Ogden Dunes Volunteer Fire Department for allowing Susan MiHalo to give a briefing and Powerpoint Presentation on the Long Lake Marsh Restoration Project on November 15. If any other groups are interested in seeing this presentation, please let her know.

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