Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ODEAB Sets 2010 Goals

Continuing its mission to advance the health and quality of life of residents through improved water, land and air quality, the Ogden Dunes Environmental Advisory Board (ODEAB) established goals for 2010 at its February 9 meeting.

Assessment of the environmental impacts of the Burns Waterway Small Boat Harbor dredging project will be undertaken at the April 6 meeting. Board members plan to meet at a particular location and walk the beach to see if there is any residual garbage or other impacts from the dredging project. Any residual impacts will be documented for future reference. The company contracted by the Army Corp of Engineers to conduct the dredging project is also required to survey the beach for any residual impacts.

Recognizing that residents and visitors also contribute to litter problems on the beach, the ODEAB also plans to undertake a litter education initiative before the beach season begins. ODEAB member John Morris, who retired several years ago from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has offered to look for stock materials at EPA that could be adapted to our needs. Special emphasis will be placed on reminding beach-goers to clean up after July 4.

Expanding recycling opportunities for residents, the ODEAB is now offering cell phone recycling at the mailboxes west of the Town Hall, and plans to coordinate e.waste (electronic waste like TV's, computer monitors, etc.) recycling at the town clean up day scheduled next fall.

ODEAB members also plan to continue responding to citizen complaints about pollution, including coordinating issues with area industries and tracking down pollution sources.