Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Participate in "Earth Hour" March 29, 8:00 p.m.

Members of the ODEAB and residents of Ogden Dunes plan to participate in an "Earth Hour" event on March 29 at 8:00 p.m. -- and you can too!

At that magic time -- 8:00 p.m. local time -- millions of people around the world will turn off their lights to show how by working together we can
make a difference in the fight against climate change. Starting in Christchurch, New Zealand; Earth Hour will roll through 14 time zones, wrapping up in the Pacific Time zone representative San Francisco, CA. Traversing more than 25 cities in 10 countries, Earth Hour will be the largest voluntary power down in history.

Folks, this is not just some fringe movement. Globally recognized landmarks and buildings, such as the Sears Tower and Golden Gate Bridge, as well as sports teams and corporations, including the Phoenix Suns, Hewlett Packard, Esurance and National Geographic Channel, are joining this climate change movement sweeping the world.

Sponsored by the World Wildlife Federation (WWF), WWF officials have said that the goal of Earth Hour is to raise awareness of climate change and demonstrate how by working together, individuals can make a difference in the fight against this global issue.

In addition to turning off lights, Earth Hour participants are being asked to replace older light bulbs with highly efficient compact fluorescent bulbs, and to pledge to take actions to reduce their energy consumption on a daily basis.

WWF’s inaugural Earth Hour took place in Sydney, Australia in March 2007 with more than 2.2 million people participating in an effort that darkened such iconic structures as the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge and resulted in a 10 percent drop in energy usage—
double what had been predicted.

Participating is easy -- just turn off your indoor and outdoor lights at the designated time for one hour. Even further energy reductions can be deomonstrated worldwide if you also turn off any running appliances during that time.

So, let's see how we can all make a difference in an easy and fun way. For further information, visit

Optionally you can sign up as a participant on this website if you wish to receive further updated information.

We look forward to your participation!

For more tips on ways to reduce energy consumption at work and at home,visit